​​The London Association of Funeral Directors is an area association of the
National Association of Funeral Directors.​​
Our aim is to ensure a code of conduct is adhered to and create a high of level of
trust and dedication of services provided by our members that can be relied upon
at a time of great importance.
LAFD represents businesses in London and the home counties
Membership of LAFD is automatically granted to members of NAFD within the region.
Other NAFD members may apply for affiliation to LAFD, at no extra cost -
The Association is governed by an Executive Committee, led by the President
Officers and Executive Committee members are elected annually
Sub-committees are appointed to oversee particular areas of activity
Two General Meetings are held each year
The Association offers education and training opportunities
Two district societies are linked to the London Association: Southern District and Western District. Each District has a Chairman, supported by a committee. Regular events enable those employed by local members, and others involved in funeral service, to meet and learn about topics of mutual interest.
Members, please see District pages for news of Southern District and Western District
Our members are confident of the service they provide, the quality of their facilities and the professionalism of their people.
The choice of funeral director is one of the most important decisions to be made after a bereavement and this is
at a time when decision making is at its hardest. Each area of London has a unique culture and personality and our members understand the communities in which they work and the diversity of customs and practices of local families.
As a condition of Membership, members of the London Association of Funeral Directors agree to comply with the NAFD Funeral Director Code. This Code is founded on the following eleven mandatory principles; members must adhere to:​​
Although the vast majority of funerals are completed to the satisfaction of the client, there are occasions when something does not go well and help is needed from an independent party to resolve the situation.
NAFD Resolve is an independent dispute resolution service, which is designed to protect clients by providing a forum in which they can raise a complaint and seek redress, while avoiding any stressful confrontation. It includes independent conciliation and adjudication services provided by CEDR – the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution.