Come along
- to hear NAFD CEO Jon Levett explaining the plans for incorporation of the National Association and respond to members’ questions
- for NAFD President Abi Pattenden’s update about developments and issues at national level
- for an update on matters of local relevance
- to learn of new developments within your Association in the London region
- the meeting will include an Education Awards presentation – join the celebrations!
- and, of course, to socialise with contacts old and new
The Autumn General Meeting will be held at Amba Hotel, Charing Cross on Thursday 22nd November
The meeting will start promptly at 6.30pm (private bar open from 6pm) and, as is customary, will be followed by dinner.
Attendance at the meeting is free, with dinner charged at £50 each for those able to stay after the meeting.
This is your opportunity to discover how your Association can benefit your business.
Attendance is expected to be high; as space is limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Dinner orders are required by 8th November.
Details and a dinner booking form are available to download here.