Representing Funeral Directors & Associated Businesses in London & the Home Counties

The 2019 AGM will be held in the Regency Room at the Amba Hotel, adjacent to Charing Cross Station, on the evening of Wednesday 1st May.

The evening starts at 6pm, with the meeting opening promptly at 6.30pm 

In addition to the usual AGM business, there will be updates on various matters of regional and national concern.

The evening also will include an Education Presentation and Prize-giving, with a celebration of the success of students from the CertFAA course examined in November 2018.

As is traditional, the meeting will be followed by dinner, for those able to stay. Details of the meeting and dinner, with a booking form for dinner, are available here

Get involved:

As usual, the meeting will include the election of the Officers and Executive Committee to serve until the 2020 AGM and nominations are sought to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee.

A Nomination Form may be downloaded here – the form must be signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee and returned to the Secretary by Wednesday 17th April, latest.

If you are interested in joining the Executive Committee, but would like to understand more about the commitment involved, please contact the Secretary.

The Executive Committee meets monthly in Central London; it also has a small number of Sub-committees focused on particular aspects of its business, which Executive members may be invited to join. Sub-Committees meet periodically, usually on the same day as an Executive Committee meeting.

If, rather than commit to service on the Executive, you would prefer to gain a greater understanding of the operation of the Association by being co-opted to a Sub-committee, please contact the Secretary to discover the opportunities available.