It has been a busy period for the Education Committee.
Courses P & Q
At the Autumn General Meeting on 22nd November Certificates and Prizes were presented to students from 2 CertFAA courses held earlier in 2018.
Across the 2 courses, there were 27 successful candidates.
The photograph shows the new Certificate holders with LAFD President Richard van Nes and Education Committee Chairman Barry Pritchard.
Course R Earlier that month, 20 candidates sat the CertFAA examination at the Hallmark Hotel, Croydon. After a nervous wait, just before Christmas, 18 received positive results.
Course S
On 16th January the latest cohort of students embarked on the CertFAA course.
Course S started with 13 students from 7 member firms, pictured with President Richard and Course Tutor David Hall.